Shipping Information


Service Locations Delivery Schedule Cost per Shipment
SF Express HK Commercial Address Or SF Service Point Or HK Residential Address *1-2 days

SF Express International

China *2-3 days By weight
  Taiwan *2-3 days By weight
  Macau *1 day By weight

SF Express International

Other than HK - China/Taiwan/Macau By location By weight
SF Express HK Commercial Address Or SF Service Point (Order HK$400 or above) *1-2 days Free
* After arrived in Hong Kong Warehouse

Reference Information 

SF Express - SF Network
SF Express - Tracking Code
YAMAYO TA-Q-BIN – Tracking Code 
SF Express - Macau/China/Taiwan 
SF Express International



 The above cost does not include the surcharge by delivery service provider, the payment will be settled by customer

For EMS/SF Express International : the delivery cost will be settled by customer when product arrived (COD)
For EMS/SF Express International : : Delivery cost will be changed due to the changes of exchange rate
For EMS/SF Express International : : Please be aware the customs policy before proceed to purchase because some of country may levy taxes on your purchased good. All unexpected taxes will be settled by customer.